0437 380 302 info@swequine.com.au

Big Ride for Big Life

Michael Wraight, who is one of the senior staff here at Southwest Equine, is off doing his bit for Big Life!

There is Big Ride for Big Life, to be held on January 17, 2020, when he will be riding from Warrnambool to Melbourne re-tracing the historical route of what today is the world famous Melbourne to Warrnambool Cycling Classic, riding 290 km, raising money for Big Life.

Big Life operates in Warrnambool & district schools imparting techniques, knowledge & understanding to school students about how to build resilience, empathy and a positive mind set.

In our community, anxiety, depression and other mental health issues wreak havoc. Big Life aims to stop the next generation falling through the cracks, building the individual and strengthening our community.

Donations can be made through Michael’s GoFundMe webpage if you would like to contribute!