by Dr Catherine Marsden | May 17, 2021 | Equine Health
Who: Raffy – 5year old Shetland Pony What: Painful eye – corneal ulceration and hypopyon Raffy was seen for a sore eye of 5 days duration. Initially, the owner noticed Raffy had a cloudy right eye which was light sensitive. She initiated treatment with an old eye...
by Dr Catherine Marsden | May 16, 2021 | Equine Health
A sore eye is a common complaint that our vets get called to see. The position of the equine eye and the flighty disposition of horses, can often predispose horses to injury. Typical signs of a painful eye include; Ocular discharge Photophobia (eye sensitive to...
by Dr Kelly Gowland | May 13, 2021 | Equine Health, News
Do you know when your horse is in pain? Research has shown that horses actually have a “pain face”, i.e., facial expressions which clearly signals pain. You just have to learn these characters to know and practice to interpret them. Recognising subtle signs of pain in...
by Dr Catherine Marsden | Feb 25, 2021 | Equine Health
The term ‘colic’ simply means abdominal pain. There are multiple causes, including sand impaction or sand enteropathy which is of particular significance given our coastal location. Clinical Findings Sand colic may manifest in one of two clinical ways: diarrhoea...
by Dr Sophie Kelly | Feb 25, 2021 | Equine Health
Many horse owners are unaware of the potentially devastating consequences of accidental ingestion of calf pellets. Many pellets designed for calves/cattle contain additives that are highly toxic to horses, as well as other non-ruminant species. The most common and...
by Dr Kelly Gowland | Feb 25, 2021 | Equine Health
1. Know what is normal It is important to know what is ‘normal’ for your horse. Understand their normal eating habits, faecal output and consistency and TPR (temperature, pulse and respiration) is vital in order to identify if something is abnormal before it becomes...