0437 380 302 info@swequine.com.au
Equine Metabolic Syndrome

Equine Metabolic Syndrome

Equine Metabolic Syndrome is an endocrinopathy (hormone related disease) that affects horses, ponies and donkeys. It is characterised by 3 main features; Obesity, and/or regional adiposity (fat deposits in certain areas, ie. the crest), Insulin resistance, and...
Pastern Dermatitis

Pastern Dermatitis

What is it? Pastern Dermatitis is an inflammatory condition of the skin involving the lower limbs, particularly non pigmented skin. Organisms that most commonly cause Pastern Dermatitis include fungi, bacteria and mites in horses with feathering at their fetlocks. How...
Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome

Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome

Gastric ulcers occur commonly in horses, and severity can vary greatly between horses. Ulcers may be clinically silent or be associated with a variety of signs including inappetence, light condition and poor performance. Horses have evolved to graze throughout the...
Equine Internal Parasites

Equine Internal Parasites

Worm infestation in horses can cause various health issues, including tail rubbing, a poor/dull coat and weight loss inability togain weight. In more severe cases (ie. when left untreated), anemia, diarrhoea and even serious colic can result. Worm control is therefore...