0437 380 302 info@swequine.com.au

News & Views

The latest news from Southwest Equine including information on common health issues, our services, general advice from our team of Equine Vets, and event and promotion announcements.
Circuit Days 2019

Circuit Days 2019

Southwest Equine Veterinary Group would like to announce that we will be having a regular travel day to various areas around the south-west. The days are based on current client demand, so are subject to change. We will, of course, let you know if this occurs!Timboon...

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Portland Circuit Day

Portland Circuit Day

Circuit Day For The Portland and District Area Now Available Southwest Equine will be conducting a circuit day in Portland and surrounding districts fortnightly for the foreseeable future. Southwest Equine will be in the area every second Wednesday. We will have all...

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Equine Internal Parasites

Equine Internal Parasites

Worm infestation in horses can cause various health issues, including tail rubbing, a poor/dull coat and weight loss inability togain weight. In more severe cases (ie. when left untreated), anemia, diarrhoea and even serious colic can result. Worm control is therefore...

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Marilyn’s Mandible

Marilyn’s Mandible

Case Study – Equine Juvenile Mandibular Ossifying Fibroma In July this year we were asked to examine a weanling thoroughbred foal called Marilyn that was found to have a growth on her mandible just inside her lower lip. The growth was firm and ulcerated...

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