0437 380 302 info@swequine.com.au

News & Views

The latest news from Southwest Equine including information on common health issues, our services, general advice from our team of Equine Vets, and event and promotion announcements.
Welcome Dr Sophie Doake

Welcome Dr Sophie Doake

Sophie, who is our newest member to the veterinary team, grew up on a vineyard/cattle property in the Holbrook region of New South Wales. After graduation from Charles Sturt University in 2013, Sophie began work as an equine vet in Mansfield where she...

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New Rubber Flooring Installed

New Rubber Flooring Installed

We are really happy with the newly completed Corbro high density foam rubber flooring in the drop down box at Southwest Equine.Rosy, the quarterhorse cross yearling filly, here about to undergo her umbilical hernia operation this afternoon, recovered...

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Circuit Days are Back!

Circuit Days are Back!

Southwest Equine would like to announce that due to overwhelming demand we will be having a regular travel day to the Timboon and surrounding districts every Thursday morning (and afternoon if required). We are, of course willing and able to travel to the...

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