0437 380 302 info@swequine.com.au

News & Views

The latest news from Southwest Equine including information on common health issues, our services, general advice from our team of Equine Vets, and event and promotion announcements.
Dental Case Study – Oreo

Dental Case Study – Oreo

‘Oreo’ is a 10-year-old Shetland Pony gelding who presented for examination of a firm lump on the right side of the mandible that his owner had noticed a few days earlier.  Oreo was known to have a ‘problem’ mouth but was up to date with dental work. He had not shown...

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Equine Castration (Gelding) and After Care

Equine Castration (Gelding) and After Care

What and why do we perform castration of colts? Castration simply put is surgical removal of the testicles. It is performed for a variety of reasons, mainly; to modify or prevent unwanted behaviour, prevent stallion-like body development, and avoid unwanted...

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Dental Offer – February 2022

Dental Offer – February 2022

When did your horse last have a dental? Is your horse... Tossing its head? Pulling to one side? Resisting the bit? Becoming nervous? Lunging, rearing? Unsettled? Then it's time for a dental!Take advantage of this super dental deal this February and ride into 2022 with...

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Circuit Days 2022

Circuit Days 2022

Southwest Equine will continue to offer our popular regular travel day to various areas around the south-west. These are based on current client demand, so are subject to change. We will, of course, let you know if this occurs.PORTLAND & SURROUNDS Every Monday...

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Staff News!

Staff News!

Welcome back to Dr Sophie Kelly who after a brief stint on the sidelines caring for her new addition, Matilda, she is back working with us 1-2 days a week. Welcome back Sophie!

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