Planning for the end
It is always a sad topic to discuss no matter who you are, but have you thought about what will happen to your horse or horses when they get to the end of their life? Planning for these sad, but inevitable situations can save a lot of heart ache in the future. There...
Case Study – Bob’s routine dental reveal
Bob’ 15 yr old Welsh Cob gelding No history of weight loss, trouble eating (quidding, dropping feed or long stems in faeces) or obvious oral pain. Presented for routine dental. A quick clinical exam was conducted and Bob was sedated. $100 per horse or $95 per...
New Arrival!
The Southwest Equine family is excited to announce that on Tuesday 11 May 2021, Dr Sophie Kelly, along with her husband, Lach, welcomed beautiful Matilda Kelly into the world. Congratulations Sophie and Lach!
Pre-Purchase Examinations
Pre-purchase examinations are undertaken on horses for sale to assess the suitability of the individual horse for the specific purpose for which the buyer intends to use it. These examinations are undertaken using the standard examination format of Equine...
Case Study – Corneal ulceration and hypopyon
Who: Raffy – 5year old Shetland Pony What: Painful eye – corneal ulceration and hypopyon Raffy was seen for a sore eye of 5 days duration. Initially, the owner noticed Raffy had a cloudy right eye which was light sensitive. She initiated treatment with an old eye...
Eye See the Problem!
A sore eye is a common complaint that our vets get called to see. The position of the equine eye and the flighty disposition of horses, can often predispose horses to injury. Typical signs of a painful eye include; Ocular discharge Photophobia (eye sensitive to light)...