Case Report – Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome
Case of the Month Bella presented to our vets at the end of November as she was showing some of the “typical” outward signs commonly reported with stomach ulcers aka Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS) including poor quality coat, poor appetite, temperamental...
Equine Asthma
Respiratory disease is a common cause of poor performance in racehorses, and elite performance horses. Importantly, there has been a recent change to the way we describe conditions relating to inflammation of the lower airways specifically. "Equine Asthma" is now used...
March Gastroscoping Day
GASTROSCOPING DAY TUESDAY 17 MARCH 202O AT SOUTHWEST EQUINEIt is estimated that up to 90% of racehorses, 75% of sport horses, & 60% of show and pleasure horses suffer from stomach ulcers.Does your horse show any of the following signs? Poor appetite Poor...
Christmas Trading Hours
Christmas Hours at Southwest Equine If you have an equine related emergency after hours, please call our clinic number and you will be put through to our on call veterinarian. Monday 23 December OPEN Tuesday 24 December OPEN Wednesday 25 December CLOSED Thursday...
Staff News
Big Ride for Big Life Michael Wraight, who is one of the senior staff here at Southwest Equine, is off doing his bit for Big Life! There is Big Ride for Big Life, to be held on January 17, 2020, when he will be riding from Warrnambool to Melbourne re-tracing the...
Australian Stringhalt
Stringhalt is a neurological disorder whereby the horse exhibits involuntary, exaggerated flexion of the hock. Australian Stringhalt is one of three different forms of stringhalt that have been documented in horses. It is caused by grazing pastures which contain...