Pre-purchase examinations are undertaken on horses for sale to assess the suitability of the individual horse for the specific purpose for which the buyer intends to use it. These examinations are undertaken using the standard examination format of Equine Veterinarians Australia to provide a Veterinary report on Pre-purchase examinations. They can be performed on all types of horses and for a wide variety of uses, including racehorses, eventers, jumpers, pleasure horses as well as horses intended for breeding.
A pre-purchase examination allows the buyer to understand the health and fitness of the horse and to identify conditions which may affect the horse’s ability to undertake the activity the buyer intends for the horse.
Because all horses are individuals and each buyer’s expectations are different, clear communication between the buyer and the veterinarian is essential to ensure that the veterinarian understands the intended use of the horse and tailors their examination to the purchaser’s requirements.

As well as the clinical examination of the horse, including examination for lameness, it is common for additional procedures such as Radiographs (X-Rays), Ultrasonography (Scans) and Endoscopy (Scoping) to be performed at the request of the purchaser or based on the findings of the examination.
Our veterinarians are able to perform a pre-purchase examination on horses that are existing patients of our practice if there is no conflict of interest and if the vendor agrees to allow the horse’s veterinary records and details to be made available to the purchaser.
It is important to understand that a pre-purchase examination is done on a horse for a specific purpose and for a specific client and that a horse which suits one client may not suit another. A pre-purchase examination is an assessment of a horse at a point in time and is designed to identify existing medical or physical conditions and an understanding of how they might impact on the horse’s suitability for the intended use. It is not a guarantee or a warranty that the horse will not have problems in the future.
Broodmare Sales
If a sale of a broodmare is asked for, at Southwest Equine Veterinary Group, we follow the standard examination format of Equine Veterinarians Australia to provide a Veterinary Report on Broodmare for Sale. This examination allows the veterinarian to assess the mare’s reproductive organs and associated structures and to report on any abnormalities or conditions discovered.
The extent that the various reproductive structures are able to be assessed will depend on the stage of the mare’s reproductive cycle and if pregnant, the stage of the pregnancy. The veterinarian’s report will detail these matters.
Many purchasers also require that veterinarians assess the general health of the broodmare and require other specific examinations such as feet, eyes and mouth. As with any pre-purchase examination, horses are individuals and each buyer’s expectations are different. For this reason, it is very important that there is clear communication between the purchaser and the veterinarian so that the veterinarian can tailor their examination to match the purchaser’s requirements.
Contact us at the clinic if you would like any further information regarding pre-purchase examinations.