Does your horse need a dental?
Terang & Mortlake Veterinary Clinic with Southwest Equine are please to announce our first Equine Dental Week
WHEN: Monday 20 – Friday 24 August 2018
WHERE: Terang Harness Track 331 Dalvui Lane, Terang
Limited places available!
To secure your appointment call Terang Veterinary Clinic on 5592 2111
Special offer $100* per horse. Vaccination & worming can also be done on the day.
Is your horse:
- Tossing his head
- Pulling to one side
- Resisting the bridle/bit
- Becoming nervous
- Lunging, rearing or just generally unsettled?
The cause may be his teeth!
Southwest Equine is now working with Terang & Mortlake Veterinary Clinic.
To celebrate this union we are holding our first Equine Dental Week!

Plus on Wednesday 22 August between 11 am – 2 pm we are offering:
FREE lameness examinations as part of our demonstration.
The demonstration includes: in the field radiographs, scoping of the respiratory tract and ultrasound scanning.
*Price excludes additional costs required for extractions or radiographs if required.